Extruded and non-extruded base snacks refer to the methods of food processing, particularly in snack production. Generally, the main difference lies in the manufacturing process. Extruded snacks use an extruder to create specific textures and shapes, while non-extruded snacks use more traditional processing methods.
Production Process
Extruded snacks are produced through an extrusion process, where base ingredients such as cornmeal, wheat, or potato flour are heated and forced through a mould under high pressure. This process creates snacks in various shapes, often light and hollow. The extrusion process allows snacks to be shaped in different sizes and creative forms, ranging from puffs to sticks.
Non-extruded snacks are produced through simpler processes such as frying, baking, or air-popping, without using high pressure or moulds. Non-extruded snacks usually use whole base ingredients like potatoes, cassava, or nuts, which are processed directly without being turned into dough first.
Extruded snacks have a light, crispy texture, and are often hollow. Since the extrusion process adds air into the dough, these snacks feel more delicate and soft when bitten into and often dissolve easily in the mouth. In contrast, non-extruded snacks have a denser and crunchier texture because natural base ingredients like potatoes or cassava are fried or baked directly. Their texture is firmer and requires more chewing compared to the lighter extruded snacks.
Due to their more porous and hollow texture, extruded snacks are easier to chew and often absorb seasonings or flavours better. The flavour is intense on the surface, and these snacks melt more easily in the mouth. On the other hand, non-extruded snacks have a stronger flavour due to their denser surface. Snacks like potato chips, for instance, provide a harder and more satisfying crunch due to their solid texture.
Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain that is a staple food around the world. The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum (/ˈtrɪtɪkəm/) the most widely grown is common wheat (T. aestivum).
base snacks, base snacks