In the food and beverage industry, choosing the right seasoning and flavour of your product can provide added value to the final product. Seasoning and flavour are two different things, many people think they are the same because often mentioned side by side. Here are the differences between these two.
Seasoning is a mixture of spices and other ingredients such as sugar, salt, flavor, etc. It is usually added to give the taste of food and beverages in general. Seasoning can be made according to the desired taste. The complex flavor of the seasonings can easily be adapted to suit tastes that are not limited to demographics or the age of the consumer. An example of seasoning is Balado seasoning which is usually sprinkled on cireng snacks.
Cireng Snacks
Flavour serves to increase the aroma in food and has no taste. Flavour has a thick shape so it is only added in small amounts. The flavour will weaken over the time. An example of a flavour is a beef flavour that is used in BBQ sauce.
BBQ Sauce
Seasoning and. flavour are two different things, but they are almost inseparable. Flavour is a part of the seasoning. The addition of flavour to seasoning serves to increase the aroma.
If you need help choosing the right seasoning and flavour type for your product, contact us to discuss choosing them so that it will improve the quality of your product.
Seasoning. dan. Flavour Beberapa riset biasanya dilakukan oleh tim R&D selama pembuatan produk baru. Salah satu riset yang dilakukan dalam industri makanan adalah pemilihan varian rasa. Profile rasa bisa didapatkan dengan menambahkan seasonin.g dan/ atau flavour.